sobota, 13. julij 2013

Še ne uporabljate smeškov?

Kljub temu, da se dan, ko se mi bo starost zopet zvišala za eno številko, nezadržno približuje, se ne počutim stara. Prosim lepo, pred nekaj meseci sem, na primer, začela uporabljati smeške! Če to ni dokaz, da znam razmišljati mladostno, potem pa res ne vem.

Ker sem v zadnjem pismu dobila nekaj meni nepoznanih, sem poiskala seznam s pomenom smeškov. Mogoče bo koristil tudi vam. Kaj, še ne uporabljate smeškov???

:-) - basic smiley
:) - midget smiley
,-) - winking happy smiley
(-: - left hand smiley
(:-) - smiley big face
(:-( - very unhappy smiley
,-} - wry and winking smiley
8-O - Omigod
'-) - winking smiley
:-# - my lips are scaled
:-* - kiss
:-/ - skeptical smiley
:-> - sarcastic smiley
:-@ - screaming smiley
:-d - said with a smile
:-V - shouting smiley
:-X - a big wet kiss
:-\ - undecided smiley
:-] - smiley blockhead
;-( - crying smiley
>;-> - a very lewd remark was just made
;^) - smirking smiley
%-) - smiley after staring at a screen for 15 hours straight
):-( - nordic smiley
3:] - Lucy my pet dog smiley
:-& - tongue tied
8:-) - little girl smiley
:-)8< - big girl smiley
:-O - talkaktive smiley
:-6 - smiley after eating something spicy
+:-) - priest smiley
O:-) - angel smiley
:-< - walrus smiley
:-? - smiley smokes a pipe
:-E - bucktoothed vampire
:-Q - smoking smiley
:-}X - bow tie-wearing smiley
:-[ - vampire smiley
:-a - smiley touching her tongue to her nose
:-{ - mustache
:-{} - smiley wears lipstick
:^) - smiley with a personality
<:-l -="" dunce="" nbsp="" p="" smiley="">:=) - orangutan smiley
>:-> - devilish smiley
>:-l - klingon smiley
@:-) - smiley wearing a turban
@:-} - smiley just back from the hairdresser
C=:-) - chef smiley
X:-) - little kid with a propeller beanie
[:-) - smiley wearing a walkman
[:] - robot smiley
{:-) - smiley wears a toupee
l^o - hepcat smiley
}:^#) - pointy nosed smiley
(:-( - the saddest smiley
:-(=) - bucktooth smiley
O-) - message from cyclops
:-3 - handlebar mustache smiley
: = - beaver smiley
:-" - whistling smiley
P-( - pirate smiley
?-( - black eye
d:-) - baseball smiley
:8) - pigish smiley
:-7 - smirking smiley
):-) - impish smiley
:/\) - extremely bignosed smiley
8(:-) - Mickey Mouse
([( - Robocop
:-(*) - that comment made me sick
&-l - that made me cry
:-e - disappointed smiley
:( - sad-turtle smiley
:,( - crying smiley
:-( - boo hoo
:-P - Nyahhhh!
:-S - what you say makes no sense
:-[ - un-smiley blockhead
:-C - real unhappy smiley
:-r - smiley raspberry
:-t - pouting smiley
:-W - speak with forked tongue
X-( - you are brain dead
l-O - smiley is yawning
l:-O - flattop loudmouth smiley
$-) - yuppie smiley
:-! - foot in mouth
:----} - you lie like pinnochio
O-) - smiley after smoking a banana
=:-) - smiley is a punk
=:-( - real punks never smile
3:[ - pit bull smiley
8<:- -="" a="" is="" nbsp="" p="" smiley="" wizard="">:#) - drunk smiley
8-# - dead smiley
B-) - smiley wears glasses
8-) - smiley with big eyes...perhaps wearing contact lenses...
|-( - smiley lost his contact lenses
H-) - cross-eyed smiley
]-I - smiley wearing sunglasses (cool...therefore no smile, only a smirk)
V^J - smiley with glasses, seen from the left side (portrait, talking)
+-( - smiley, shot between the eyes
~:-P - smiley, thinking and steaming or: having only one single hair
`' - cat's eyes in the night
L-P - totally scrambled smiley (thats why L-P Mud exists... B)
BI - a frog
O | - Big Smiley Is Watching You 

3 komentarji:

  1. So pa luštni in super smeškoti,prava popestritev blogov,komentarjev.Sama jih sicer še ne uporabljam,a imam občutek,da jih bom.

  2. Joj, ko'k jih je...
    Helena,če je že bil ali pa še bo tisti dan... Iskrene čestitke!!!!
    Tol'k rada ob novičkah vedno pokukam še blog... Same luštne in koristne se objavljajo...vedno le preberem, a tale, s praznikom, me je vendarle spodbudil,da se oglasim:)
    Vse dobro še naprej!!!!

  3. @Sabina: hvala za čestitke in pohvale. Pisanje bloga je postalo že nujen del mojega življenja. Začela sem ga pisati, da bi se prisilila k večji odprtosti; mislim, da mi je uspela neka zdrava mešanica med zasebnostjo in javnostjo. Vabljeni, da me čim večkrat obiščete in komentirate.

